miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Top ready for f-holes

So here is the belly. Outside finished with purfling and inside almost done. The f-holes are marked and thats what I´m going to do next: 

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

gluing the top together

So, here´s a picture of the joining of the belly or top. I´m using my guitar setup. I just ´finetuned it with some blocks of wood a 3 screws. There´s no need to complicate life. 

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

jointing the soundboard

So next thing was to joint the two bookmatched pieces for the soundboard. There I used my guitar setup and a wedge to keep the jointing surface 90 degrees to the table: 

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Starting the work on the soundboard of the violin

So here´s some really crusty and rustic work. Cut cut into two pieces. Next time I will visit my local carpenter and ask if I may use his big bandsaw.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

¡¡¡Number 100 Finished!!!

So here she is all ready to be played. Now I only need to make a video.  The last photo, the one from the side has some weird light reflex from the sky, that I didnt see when taking the photo.

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

One more of the back. Its now on its final thickness. Weighs 94 grams and main resonance is just under F. Thats all very correct.
The outer edge is not finished and wont be done untill later. I´m happy with the inner edge, but the corners..... I didnt know what to do with them, so thats the way they look now 

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Back of violin almost finished

So here is how it looks now. Almost finished. Its weighing 100 grams and will try to remove some ,more 6 -7 grams.
As you can see, I´m playing with light. The violin is much more a sculpture than a guitar and so its also more interesting taking pictures of it. 

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

guitar number 99 finished

So finally, after a long time with other things going on, here´s the 2A Negra that I started in June.

Its a really nice instrument and its for sale for 2000,-€

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

So here I´ve done the the first part of the digging. There´s still a long way to go.
You can see the thickness I would like to achieve drawn with a pensil.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Working the inside of the back

So, Here´s the back turned upside down. The holes you see, I´ve drilled in my drillpress with a 5mm stop. So when I´ve scooped away all the wood, the back will have a thickness of around 5mm. Way to thick, but better go slow.

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

Preparing for the purfling

So here I´ve routed the 1,3mm channel for the purfling and below you can see my hands bending the purfling on my supersimple bending iron that I also used for bending the sides. Its made of a 25mm iron tube that I found. Then I went to the chinese store and bought a 60 watt soldering iron ( 4,-€), which I crunched with a hammer and took out the element. The element I put inside the tube, I plugged both ends with aluminium paper. And here we go. It works the best upright. Then you can find the part that has the right temperature. The further up, the hotter it gets. 

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

back rough finished on the outside

Here´s the outside of the back rough finished and ready for purfling. As you can see, the knot is still there. It wont disappear. I will take the decission what to do when the back has been hollowed out. If its not looking like something that´ll fall out, then it´ll stay. This violin is not an order. If it had been so, most probably I would have had to make another back. People are getting really picky nowadays. I dont mind that you can see that wood comes from trees and this knot is very small.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Carving the back

So here I´ve started ´diggin in´ Using the templates you can see lying around on the top left as guides. You can also see that a small knot has shown up on the surface. Lets see how that devellops.
I really like this photo.